How to Set and Achieve Your Goals

leadership personal development Sep 26, 2024
Goal Setting

People who set goals are more successful than those who don't. Most people who have achieved great success, including wealth, celebrity status, or recognition, will tell you that having goals contributed significantly to their success. Here are five ways to set and achieve your goals in life and business.

Begin with the end in mind

This approach is where you dream, imagine and visualize what you want your life to look like. It is your vision, a mental picture of the future you hope to create. As you do this, engage your senses in the visioning process. In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey says, "Begin with the end in mind." Once you have conceptualized what the end looks like, you need to return to the "now" and create a plan to get there.  

Set goals that stretch you

Once you have a vision of your life and future, the next step is to create a list of concrete goals. If your vision consists of being an entrepreneur, one of your goals might be to start your own company. One of the main reasons for setting goals is to grow you into a better person. Hence, you need to set goals that stretch you. If the goal doesn't scare you it's not big enough. Furthermore, the goals you set for your life will determine who you will become.

Prioritize your goals

You can't do everything, but you can do something. In other words, you need to write down all your goals and then check two or three that you consider most significant. Ask yourself which will create the greatest impact in life or the business. Which of these are relevant to the vision? Though you may have numerous goals, some will be more critical and require immediate attention. Identify them and give them your complete attention.

Create an action plan

An action plan generally answers the question, "What is the work to be done?" This means identifying and listing the tasks necessary to meet your individual goals. The formula for creating an action plan includes a description of the work to be done and a date for its completion.

Take consistent action

Plans don't work unless people do. There is no easy route to success. To achieve your goal, you have to take consistent action every day. Review your progress to see if you are on track and adjust your strategies where necessary.

Remember, people who have written goals heighten their chances of success. Hence, setting goals and persistently pursuing them can make a big difference between success and failure. Beginning today, may the goals you set provide you with the life you want.