Five Benefits of High Performance Coaching leadership mindset and goals personal development Oct 29, 2022

Working with a coach has become the norm in professional circles today. No longer is coaching just reserved for professional athletes, but business leaders, executives, entrepreneurs, and success-oriented professionals now seek out coaching as a way to up their game. Bob Nardelli, a former CEO of...

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How To Overcome Setbacks leadership mindset and goals personal development Oct 21, 2022

I had worked on my Doctoral dissertation for over two years. Finally, after much research, sleepless nights, and fingers numb from typing this long academic essay, I submitted it to my academic advisor with much relief. However, a couple of weeks later, I received shocking news from my advisor,...

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The Psychology of Winning leadership mindset and goals personal development Sep 16, 2022

No one likes to lose; we all want to win. But why? When an individual wins, testosterone levels usually increase, which influences an increase in dopamine, a chemical messenger that hits the reward center in the brain. This winning effect makes the winner feel good. Feeling good can further...

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Programming Your Mind For Success leadership personal development Sep 01, 2022

Are you living your best life? Or are you living each day wishing that life could be different? The answer to these questions may lie in your subconscious mind. Unfortunately, many of us sabotage our success due to our self-defeating beliefs. If you are going to change course and live the life...

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How To Set And Achieve Your Impossible Goals leadership mindset and goals personal development Aug 05, 2022

People who set goals are more successful. Most people who have achieved great success, including wealth, celebrity status, or recognition, will tell you that having goals contributed significantly to the level of success they have achieved. Here are five tips on how to set and achieve your...

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How To Build Mental Toughness leadership mindset and goals personal development Jul 27, 2022

Mentally tough people possess a certain measure of confidence and resilience that exponentially increase their chances of success in sports, business, and life. By mental toughness, I mean being able to perform consistently and productively under pressure. If you want to know how to build mental...

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Why You Should Become a High Performer leadership mindset and goals personal development Jul 20, 2022

Most companies today are on a quest to hire and retain high-performing employees to stay on the cutting edge in today’s competitive market. A McKinsey study found that high performers are 400 percent more productive than others. Hence, becoming more effective in your personal and...

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Five Ways To Deal With Rejection leadership personal development relationship Jun 06, 2022

Have you ever noticed how being told no, discourages some people while motivating others to keep pursuing their goals? Handling rejection well can make you a stronger person and will determine your levels of success, personally and professionally, in the future. Here are five ways to deal with...

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How To Win The Day leadership mindset and goals personal development May 26, 2022

Success is a marathon, not a sprint. In other words, it may take you months or even years before you finally achieve your goals. While it is essential to think long-term when setting your goals, achieving them requires beginning the journey with your daily habits. As Lao Tzu suggests, "The...

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The Self-care Effect leadership mindset and goals personal development Mar 28, 2022

All human beings need to rest, repair, and recover from daily stress on the mind and body to function at optimum levels in their personal or professional life. The best way to accomplish this, is by paying attention to one's self-care, as it can make a big difference between success and failure....

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Three Keys To Your Next Level leadership mindset and goals personal development Mar 06, 2022

What if I told you that you could become more and achieve more? What if I told you that your dream could become a reality. Maybe you are stuck and don't know what move to make next. Or perhaps you are doing well but would like to grow beyond where you are. Whatever the case, here are three keys...

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Finding Your Breakthrough leadership mindset and goals personal development Oct 20, 2021

A breakthrough is an "aha" moment. It is also the act of overcoming an obstacle that permits the achievement of a particular goal. Finally, it is simply turning the impossible into the possible. Therefore, finding your breakthrough is necessary if you will thrive in any area of your life, be it...

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